Sunday, September 07, 2008

It's Hip to Be Square

So I know I haven't been posting but after the insanity of my last semester and being in South Africa all summer (much more on that later), I haven't had much time. But now it's on! It's on like Donkey Kong!

I've been doing a ton of knitting (again, more on that later), but right now it's all about squares. 4" squares for my "Buncha Squares Blanket" (pattern from the Mason-Dixon Knitting blog) are consuming my knitting life for the next few days. I have a TON of leftover yarn from my South Africa projects and it needs to be taken care of. I mean, seriously. Look at this:

(From left to right, Artfibers Triple Cheesecake, Peace Fleece Worsted, and Lorna's Laces Shepherd Worsted. And a little bit of Artyarns Beaded Silk. Hey, I'm optimistic.)

That's a lot of 4" squares right there. I think there's more, too, but I just can't find it. Or I can't bear to look for it. One or the other. I want to be knitting two more of these:

(BYOB pattern from Knitty in Lion Brand Cotton Ease)

But I'm not. This one is being given away as a gift basket for the woman who found my JRT, Diego, when he got lost overnight last week. It's stuffed with bath stuff and treats and toys for her dog and chocolate and so forth:

(Dude, look at how much this thing holds!  It's so worth it!)

It's the least I can do to say "thank you." We thought he was gone forever! So thank you. Over and over!

But, anyway, instead of knitting more bags or adding the snap to my Nob Hill, I'm knitting garter-stitch squares. Mindless, endless, garter-stitch squares. It's a little bit zen and a little bit frustrating, especially since my Ravelry queue is SO long and enticing! But I must be strong and persevere. It can be done. It must be done.

I need the space in my stash.

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