Tuesday, November 16, 2010


There's not much in my life outside of law school I can handle right now.  Basically, I can handle knitting stockinette in the round, watching Food Network, napping, and occasionally cooking.  Not a very long list!  My brain is so spongy and bruised at the end of a long day of class and reading that I just honestly cannot handle anything more complicated than staring and drooling.

Staring and drooling.

There has been knitting.  Oh yes, there has been knitting.  Again, all I can really handle is stockinette in the round right now.  I've discovered I can knit and read, but ONLY knit.   No purling, no lace, no cables, no shaping (OK, minimal shaping).  As long as I keep it simple, I can function.  And as long as I have that little "click click click" going on in my hands, I can read and study and just manage to keep myself from thinking about stabbing someone with a highlighter.

Keeping me functioning (and from committing a felony).

Comfort food is good, too.  Case in point: the Kentucky Hot Brown.  Long, long ago (1995-2001) in a land far, far away (Kentucky), I would eat the crap out of a Hot Brown for about 5-6 nights in a row once a year.  During the Lexington Junior League Horse Show, we'd stay at The Campbell House (which has now apparently been bought out) and eat Hot Browns at the restaurant almost every night all week.  A Hot Brown is a heart attack in a casserole dish.  Basically an open-faced turkey sandwich with tomato, smothered in cream sauce, topped with cheese and bacon and then broiled.

Possibly fatal in large doses.

Comfort food and stockinette.  Possibly the most perfect combination of stress relief known to man.  

Life has been complicated the past few months.  There was a family crisis, the house practically collapsing in around us, law school drama, car break-ins and theft, insurance drama, car repair drama, more law school drama...  It's getting to be a bit much. 

So here's my new plan: keep things simple.  Keep EVERYTHING simple.  How simple?

This simple.

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