Monday, August 09, 2010


"It's all gone pear-shaped." Yes, it has. Clearly, for the last, oh, 2 years I haven't updated this thing. Life takes you on some strange paths, and you don't always end up where you thought you'd be. Two years ago, I thought I'd either have a good job or be in grad school working on my history PhD at this point in my life. Honestly, I'm 28 years old, married, and (now, at least) unemployed. And getting ready to start law school, which is something I'm still not entirely sure about, to be honest. So, yes, the neat round globe of my life plan went a little pear-shaped.

I spent the last year working at a yarn shop, and now I'm staring down the barrel of a loaded law school. And I need an outlet. Knitting is a great one, of course, and I love my husband, of course, but I need a verbal outlet that's more fluid, and, quite frankly, more selfish. When I get into that "just one more row" knitting zone, I call it "knitterbation." I just keep going and going and obsessing and obsessing and it's totally and purely selfish and masochistic and self-stroking. So this is my bloggerbation, I guess. Not the most noble of terms, but satisfying (ha) nonetheless.

Will I get my JD? Will law school get the better of me? Will I freak out and stab someone in the eye due to nicotine withdrawal (a likely possibility tonight)? Stay tuned to find out the answers to these, and many other, questions.


Dahnya said...

It's so good to find you in the blogging world!

I look forward to "hearing" about your adventures (or misadventures) in law school. If nothing else, it'll make for interesting people watching...?

PS: "knitterbation". Holy crap that is HILARIOUS.

Dahnya said...

I'm so happy you've decided to blog about your new venture in life! I look forward to reading about your adventures (or misadventures). If nothing else law school shall provide you with plenty of people watching opportunities...?

PS: "knitterbation". Hilarious!